Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I remember my Speech class my 2nd semester of college. This guy did a speech on sleep. And the proper amount of sleep. And he gave all the reasons why the adult body needs 8 hours of sleep per day. He also went on to say why our sleep requirements change as we age, yada yada. But for some reason, I always think about that speech. And I wonder where he got his information. And who has time to sleep 8 hours EVERY. DAY.

Don't get me wrong. Boy, I love some good sleep. I long for Saturday mornings, because it's the only day of the week that I get to sleep past 6:30, which is Savanna's normal time to wake up. Lee always gets up with her on Saturdays, and I. LOVE. IT.

Here's my normal day, starting with the alarm going off at 5:45:

Wake up. Drink Coffee. Shower. Get myself ready. Wake child. Dress child. Fight with child's (super curly)hair. Load up and leave by 7. Drop child off at daycare at 7:30. Clock in work at 8. Clock out of work at 5. Pick child up by 5:30. Fix dinner. Eat about 6:30. Mother daughter play time. Bath at 7:30. Child is in bed by 8:00. Clean kitchen. Laundry. Quick run to the store (sometimes). Pack husband's dinner. Check email while listening to news in the background. Wake husband up at 10. Make sure he's out the door by 10:40. Lock up. Blog if I can. Be in bed by 12:00.

So, where do you get to sleep for 8 hours on weeknights? I must be doing something wrong.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I wish I had an answer for you. Life is sooo busy.
Busy even with all our modern conveniences. :(