Monday, May 7, 2012

Motherly Monday

 Last week Savanna and I had fun with a couple of little summertime projects. I, by no means, have a green thumb, but oh, I hope her flowers will bloom soon! She LOVES flowers, and she is so excited to grow her own! We planted Four o'clocks, Allysum, and Viola. So, let's hope I remember the basics: water & sunshine. :)

Secondly, we made bird feeders. One for our place, and two to hang at Mimi's house. So far, the birds don't seem the slightest bit interested, but let's hope they catch on and eat my baby's bird seed! She had so much fun making her bird feeders (and eating the peanut butter!), but she's a little confused as to why the birds aren't eating. They'll catch on, right? I hope so!

Here's how we made ours:
1-Punched 2 holes at the top of some emptied toilet paper rolls
2-Spread peanut butter on the rolls
3-Rolled the covered roll in bird seed
4-Strung twine through the holes & tied at the top

I really need some more fun projects for my little nature-loving kiddo to do. Any ideas?


Wednesday, May 2, 2012