Monday, October 25, 2010

Motherly Monday

This was a very candid picture, as you can imagine. I don't normally pose so lady-like when I know my picture is being taken ;) but I like this picture because it is a constant reminder of the little set of eyes that are watching and seeing my every move. I remember the first time I ever saw Savanna make the very face I'm making in this picture. I actually said (outloud):
"Where does she learn this stuff?"

I am constantly getting after her for saying "Huh?" ALL the time! (It drives me crazy!) But I wonder how many times I say "Huh?" to her on a daily basis.

Duh. Duh. Duh. Shame on me. She is my little mirror. She does and says what she sees and hears!

Here's a little song that goes perfectly with the point I'm trying to make. Sorry, if it's stuck in your head the rest of the day! ;)

O be careful little eyes what you see
O be careful little eyes what you see
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little eyes what you see

O be careful little ears what you hear
O be careful little ears what you hear
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little ears what you hear

O be careful little hands what you do
O be careful little hands what you do
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little hands what you do

O be careful little feet where you go
O be careful little feet where you go
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little feet where you go

O be careful little mouth what you say
O be careful little mouth what you say
There's a Father up above
And He's looking down in love
So, be careful little mouth what you say

(You know, this is classified as a "Childrens Bible Song". How ironic is that? They should play this song on the radio for us all to listen to on a daily basis!)

1 comment:

Mom said...

The picture is priceless!
What an important song for all parents and kiddos to pay attention to.