Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday

It's time once again for Thankful Thursday! I know I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping the blog updated, but...wait...wait for it...nope, I don't have a good excuse. Sorry. :) So here's my short and sweet list of thankful-fors this week:

*A husband that loves the Lord!

story time...

He came home from work yesterday and said, "Have I told you how awesome God is lately?!" My lame response being, "Well, no, I don't guess you've actually said that lately!" So then he went on to me how when he was doing his scripture reading the day before, he ran across some verses that were very...strange...for lack of a better word. (Something in Genesis about covenants and dead animals and...some other stuff.) Then when he got to work that night, he was listening to some of Pastor Ben's online messages, and he just happened to be preaching on the same verses he was reading, and, well, it just really cleared some things up for him!


Good story.

*Disposable Diapers.

After a couple of the diapers I changed today, I just don't understand how or why you would use anything else...but that's just me!

*Light Bulbs.

I can't wait to try those super long-lasting ones I keep hearing about. Actually I can't wait to have any light bulb in the lamp in our bedroom. It's been like 2 weeks and we still haven't replaced it. :)

*All of the awesome awesome deals I snagged today when I was out and about couponing.

More details on tomorrow's Frugal Friday edition!

*Swiffer SweeperVac

Love it! It's perfect for a mess-making, crumb-slinging, cheerio-dropping 14-month old. Haven't had it very long, but it's worth every penny! But if you're interested, I have a $10 coupon I could share with you...

That's my list for this week! What about you? Are you thankful for any of these same things?? Goodnight, my friends :)

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