Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

It's Thursday and I am thankful. Here are a few things I'm thankful for this Thursday:

-That Easter is next weekend. Awesome awesome holiday.
(Sing this hymn with me..."He arose! He arose! Hallelujah, Christ arose!")

-That Pampers has come out with a new Cruisers diaper, which means almost every store is re-setting their shelves for the new product and majorly discounting the old ones! Yay! Combined with coupons, I scored some pretty cheap Pampers today!

-In less than one month, I will be enjoying my first week of vacation!

-That Savanna has adjusted so well to her new class, that she actually doesn't even notice me leaving when I drop her off anymore. Truthfully, it was hard on me the first time she didn't cry when I left. I suddenly didn't feel needed at all! But it's okay--she makes up for it with that huge grin when I pick her up everyday! :)

-Heat & air conditioning. Sometimes on the same day.

-That tomorrow is FRIDAY!

That's my list for this week, friends. What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

Valerie said...

I like the Thankful Thursday, good idea!